
Showing posts with label source code machine code. Show all posts
Showing posts with label source code machine code. Show all posts

Monday, September 8, 2014

What is a compiler and interpreter?(Chapter 1)

Q. What is a compiler and interpreter?
The difference between a compiler and interpreter is as follows:-

It converts the whole programme(source code) into machine code at once.
It converts the whole programe(souce code) into machine code one line at a time
It creates an object file
It does not create any object file
It converts the source code into machine code that can be executed or run many times as you need.
It needs to convert the source code into machine code every time you need to run the program.
Its converted programs run faster
Its converted programs run slower
It indicates the errors after the whole program is converted into machine code
It indicates the error on every line it converts in machine code. It stop until you remove the error in that particular line.

C++ Part 10 type casting C+