
Saturday, August 1, 2015

How to make Windows 7 Bootable USB

How to make Windows 7 Bootable USB

Some times we are unable to install windows 7 from CD-ROM because our computer does not have any CD ROM drive or in some situations our CD ROM is out of order and we need to install windows 7 urgently. Then there comes an idea of installing the windows 7 from USB.
Is it easy enough to copy files of windows 7 CD into a USB and install on the concerned PC. No! this is not as easy as it looks. For this purpose you will need these things in hand.

2-Soft copy of Windows 7 stored somewhere in disk.
3-Some knowledge about DOS commands for this purpose.

We know that you can get first two things easily but so far as 3rd one is concerned, it seems difficult. We will tell you how to perform this remaining step.

Alert! The data on your USB will be lost in this process, so first of all save it on somewhere.

First of all click on start button on your PC desktop.
A menu will open, Select Run and click OK

In the Run Command Box type cmd and press Enter key.

Now you are in DOS mode or Comman Prompt.
Type this command on DOS prompt and press Enter key.
Type this command on DOS prompt and press Enter key. This command will show the disks with serial no. locate the USB disk no. e.g. disk1
list disk
Then type this command and press Enter key
Then type this command and press Enter key
create partition primary
Type this command and press Enter key
select partition1
Type the command and press Enter key
Type this command and press Enter key
format fs=NTFS
Type this command and press Enter key
Now at last type this command and press enter key
Now the USB drive has been prepared , next task is to make it booable.
1.    Suppose that your windows 7 installation is on the D: drive
2.    Again goto DOS prompt and type
3.    Cd d:\boot
4.    If your USB drive letter is e: then  type this command
5.    Bootsect/nt60 e:
6.    Now type exit to leave DOS prompt and come in windows destop
7.    By mouse, goto windows 7 folder and copy everything from there and paste into your USB drive directly.

Now we come to the PC to install windows 7 on it.
Insert USB into USB drive and restart your PC
As soon as your PC starts keep on pressing F12 key
Select USB option by pressing down arrow key from keyboard and press enter
Now your PC starts booting from USB drive with Windows 7 setup as usual.

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