
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Computer Science Notes for 9th Class

Computer Science Notes for 9th Class

Now you can download and study the study notes of computer science subject for 9th class relevant to Punjab Text Book Board ,Lahore.
These notes have been very helpful and famouse for their outcome with respect to students results. Many of the students have been studying these very precise and comprehensive notes for their exam preparation. These notes are not demanding any extra effort, these notes will help you to prepare for exam in a very short time interval. Even a study of 5-6 days can be enough to succeed in exam. Most of the questions are part of previous years exam and have a good ranking in question bank.
After downloading the notes, open them in Adobe acrobat reader or Foxit reader. If you have not installed this software then install it.
Computer Science Notes for 9th Class

What is a Variable

What is a Variable

Variable is a named memory location. A location in memory that has a name and used to store data. Following is a well composed definition of variable in urdu language for the students whose second language is English. If a concept is understood properly in mother language then it is very easy to make it clear in second language like English. 
What is a Variable
This definition has been composed with respect to the concept of variable , in particular from c language perspective.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Computer Coding Schemes

Computer Coding Schemes

  • BCD-Binary Coded Decimal
Short for Binary Coded Decimal, BCD also called as packet decimal and is numbers 0 through 9 which are converted to four-digit binary. Following  is a list of the decimal numbers 0 through 9 and the binary equivalents.
  • Decimal BCD
    0 0000
    1 0001
    2 0010
    3 0011
    4 0100
    5 0101
    6 0110
    7 0111
    8 1000
    9 1001
    Having Used this conversion, the number 25, for example, would have a BCD equivalent number of 0010 0101 or 00100101. However, in binary, 25 is represented as 11001.
  • ASCII-American Standards Code for Information Interchange
  • Unicode

Sunday, February 13, 2011

C++ Part 10 type casting C+